Sunday, October 10, 2010

Freshers week excessive drinking: good or bad?

Freshers week is usually associated with endless partying and excessive use of alcohol. Drink 'til you drop or do it responsibly? Why do freshers drink too much? Are they influenced by the drinking culture or it's up to the individual?


  1. I think drinkin` is really good, no matter of your student status - fresher or not.

  2. I think its a bit of both. They are partly influenced by the culture. All there friends go out, its a good vibe and they feel they must drink to also have a good time. On the other hand everyone has to make their own decisions and its up to the individual to decide how much is too much.

  3. I think that the dumb freshmen get drunk cause they feel lonely xD I also think that they are easily influenced by their mates and the drinking culture

  4. It depends on what kind of person you are. You should know when to stop , because the consequences can be unpleasant to you. What is more there is no turning back:)

  5. Excessive drinking, as excessive weightlifting or jogging is not healthy, there's no doubt about it :)

  6. so why do you think most freshers and students as a whole drink too much? does anything influence them? and what's your personal experience? can you set limits to yourself or it's better to drink 'til you drop :D

  7. Sometimes it's up to the individual, sometimes freshers are stupid enough to do what everybody who's "cool" does and to drink 'till they drop

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  9. This topic can be commented a lot, however, what I think is that weekends are generally people's free time!
    And what everybody is most likely to do in the weekends is to enjoy their free time :) I will support my opinion, pointing out the fact that some adults like watching TV on the weekends, others like swimming, other ones like to share their free time with their family.
    Freshers are not an exception, and we all know, that because of their lack of morality, they just "love" drinking, thinking that this way they look "cool".

  10. Yes, you can set limits to yourself ..Of course you have to know yourself.
    I tested how much I can drink at parties with my friends. You don't have to make a fool out of yourself in front of everybody...

  11. Drink till u drop, no matter if u are a fresher or not... drinking FTW!

  12. Its all part of getting into and enjoying your freedom starting University life - plus getting to meet new people :)

  13. I think the excessive drinking is bad regardless the occasion. It is nice to relax with couple of beŠµrs in the pub or to share a bottle of wine for special dinner, however drinking spirits/liqueurs at nightclubs or during house parties rarely brings positive results.

    I think the freshers are influenced by the drinking culture indeed. It is not cool if you don't do the same as your classmates.

    There is also a theory that it is worthy drinking a lot if a strictly non-drinking period follows. Better now than before the exam...

  14. So basically most of you think that the drinking culture in the UK influences most people. An example of this is the fact that during the Freshers week loads of clubs,pubs, bars etc. promote themselves offering cheap drinks, free entry and you often see something like "drink the bar dry". do you think such promotions should be allowed in universities?

    i know most of you are from other countries so would you please tell me a bit more about the situation in your particular country?

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  16. If drinking helps you to relax while meeting new people, why not? :) However, I believe that it solely depends on the individual and you have to know your limits.

  17. The situation in my country(Bulgaria) is the same . There are promotions everywhere and every day except at the Universities. Most freshers like drinking after the lessons are over - One beer or two help them to relax as they say . In my opinion the university is not the right place for such promotions, because people are there to learn something, to improve themselves and their thinking ability. With drinking that cannot be achieved.
