While Merkozy are putting up walls of words during their lovely dinner for two (also known as a summit) in one of the longest soup operas ever – The EU Crisis, others are busy with actually doing something to make a difference.
Take the Arab Spring, for example. It was more of taking actions rather than chit-chat or always the same gobbledygook published in newspapers or launched on the TV to create the illusion that something might change. Together with the signing of the upcoming treaty Merkozy should well think of introducing new PR tactics too. Instead of moaning and complaining about their situation, the people of so many counties decided they had enough. “If you want to do something you always find a way; if you don’t want to do something you always find an excuse”. I find this Bulgarian saying particularly true, especially in today’s uncertanty. We – who are affected by the credit crunch, we are not the only ones having hard times. There are protests not only in the USA and Europe but also in the Middle East and Africa. Yes, Africa - have a look at Nigeria. Youths are launching various initiatives and it’s not only on facebook. Or maybe many people are unaware of it? Maybe because most of our media is too focused on our politicians who seem to be so preoccupied with blaming each other, trying to introduce new amazing treaties when the old ones need fixing too? Einstein stated that performing the same tasks and expecting different results is the definition of insanity and it seems so true in the EU crisis’s context. It is time for real actions and we are all waiting…